5 Cheapest Best Tasting Whey Protein Powders for Athletes & Bodybuilders


Cheapest Best Tasting Protein Powders

We all love protein and we all need protein. Okay well maybe we don’t need it but it’s a damn good whey to hit you protein intake. Your daily protein intake all depends on your goals but for most athletes, aim for about .7-1 gram per pound of bodyweight. Your doctor might tell you to not use protein powder or to not consume as much but he doesn’t even lift. Here is our top 5 cheapest and best tasting protein powder for athletes, bodybuilders, powerlifters, crossfitters, gym go-ers, swole folks and more lol.

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5. Dymatize Elite Whey Protein ($10/lb)

Dymatize Elite Whey protein has been a favorite of mine for years and while the price tends to fluctuate, it’s still very affordable and most flavors tast great. Macros are amazing as well.

  • Taste: 4/5
  • Carbs: 4g
  • Fat: 2g
  • Protein: 25g

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4. MusclePharm Combat Powder ($10/lb)

MusclePharm Combat Powder is a staple in my supplementation along with creatine as these are really the only two supplements you need. While the design has changed and the company has seen significant changes in it’s staff like Arnold terminating his deal with the company and CT Fletcher switching sides and going with iSatori.

  • Taste: 4/5
  • Carbs: 5g
  • Fat: 1.5g
  • Protein: 25g

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3. BSN Syntha-6 ($7.6/lb)

Although this is has a little bit more fat and carbs then most protein powders, it is perfect for those looking to add some mass. It is probably one of the better tasting proteins and not something that you have to hold your nose while you drink in order to digest it lol.

  • Taste: 4.5/5
  • Carbs: 15g
  • Fat: 6g
  • Protein: 22g

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2. EAS 100% Whey Protein Powder ($7.6/lb)

While I know a lot of people that shy away from this protein for various reasons, there is no doubt that it is one of the cheapest best tasting whey protein powders. It’s macro profile is great, and it’s super easy to mix in shakes and yogurt and all that good stuff.

  • Taste: 5/5
  • Carbs: 7g
  • Fat: 2g
  • Protein: 26g

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1. MYPROTEIN Impact Whey Protein ($10/lb) & 25% off your first order

MyProtein Impact Whey is without a doubt one of the cheapest best tasting whey protein powders you can buy. They are always running specials and right now you can use this link to get 25% off your first order.

  • Taste: 5/5
  • Carbs: 0g
  • Fat: 1.5g
  • Protein: 20g
