Supplement companies are always looking to reinvent the wheel when it comes to new products. Every few months, supplement companies come out with the “latest” and “best” formulas that will have you building insane amounts of muscle and looking like the guy or girl you’ve always wanted to look like. The reason we made this article is because we’re tired of seeing people brainwashed into thinking that they need supplements in order to build muscle. We see kids in GNC who can’t be older than 18 spending over 100 bucks on supplements and are being told what to buy from some salesperson who doesn’t even lift!
Have you ever looked at some of the claims made by supplement companies on their products and thought to yourself “sounds like bullshit.” They go a little something like this:
- Our cre-alkali-nitro-neuro formula improves muscles recovery 1000%
- Patented nitrogenetic neuroradial reverse osmosal deoxyriboneucleic stimulation matrix!
- Studies have shown it increases protein synthesis 500%
When in reality these claims should say…
- We use big scientific words we know nobody understands!
- Our patented formula doesn’t work!
- Studies have shown that you’re a dumbass and will buy this shit anyway
So we decided to compile a list of some of the most popular supplements and see what their labels would look like if they had honest advertising. Keep in mind that there are no supplements and you really need. The only ones we recommend are whey protein and creatine monohydrate.
Disclaimer: this article is for satirical purposes only.