TOP 30 Best Fitness Youtubers
It seems like these days everyone has a Youtube fitness channel. A lot of these guys make a significant income off of making Youtube videos. With so many to watch, how do you know which ones are worth your time and provide entertaining and knowledgable information? You don’t want to watch someone who speaks in a monotone voice or has no personality. You also don’t want to watch someone who tells you nothing but broscience. So we compiled our list of best fitness Youtubers.
Make sure you subscribe to their channels to keep up with their latest stuff. These people have made the list because they don’t put themselves first. They understand that the reason they make Youtube videos is to help other people achieve their ideal physique.
Remember that each channel may offer different opinions on training and nutrition so don’t necessarily believe everything they say.
Now before you get upset because one of your favorite channels isn’t on the list, remember that we did not base this list on the number of subscribers although it did play a big factor. Even if your favorite youtube channel has over 500k subscribers, if they only put out videos every couple of months then they were not included. We evaluated each channel based on these criteria:
- Entertainment-Do they make fitness fun? Are their videos funny?
- Information-What kind of expertise do they have? How motivational are they?
- Personality-Is this someone who seems like they would be a cool person if you met them?
- Consistency-How often do they put out videos? Do they consistently put out quality material?
- Popularity-Which channels do our viewers think are the best? How many subscribers do they have?
30. Jason English-Big J’s Extreme Fitness
Big Jason English is passionate about spreading knowledge on safe intense training no matter how young or old you are. He trains with intensity because it’s what has always brought him the best results and is the most satisfying during a workout! He first began working out for sports as a teen, and he met and worked out with several bodybuilders, both amateur and pro, while in the military. He hasn’t missed a step and has now been training for over 35 years.
29. Chelsea Karabin-ChelseaLifts
Chelsea is a pretty girl that lifts. The majority of channels on this list are males because the majority of Youtube fitness/bodybuilding channels are males. But Chelsea is switching things up as she is becoming a source of inspiration and motivation for women who want to get into weight training.
28. Jerry Ward-Bios3Training
Jerry Ward and his BioS3training system brings you a no-nonsense point of view. BioSynthetic Training is the blend of three components: training, nutrition, and cardio, fused together. It’s just about bringing the truth to people about how to look good and be healthy! People love Jerry because he is about as raw as someone can possibly be and cuts out the fluff when it comes to getting in the best shape of your life. His channel tackles many subjects that are not spoken upon by other Youtubers. RAW!
27. Jon Candito-CanditoTrainingHQ
Candito Training HQ aims to define what methods make you a better athlete. The only reason he is not higher up on the list is because he hasn’t been active lately on his youtube channel. However his previous videos still offer a ton of knowledge to anyone just starting out. He is the guy to check out if you’re looking for help in your powerlifts and backs up everything he says with his own impressive lifts. Also, be sure to check out 16-Year-Old Powerlifter Squats over 500 lbs!
Video: How to Squat with Perfect Form
26. Matty Fusaro-Fusaro Fitness
Fusaro Fitness is a community for people to share their journeys as well as better themselves each and every day. Matty is one of the most down to earth guys on Youtube and preaches that learning is a continuous process. Nobody knows everything and sometimes you need to experience something yourself in order to figure out what works best for you. A genuine guy with quality information, Matty’s videos include training, supplementation and some cool rants.
25. Michael Kory
Michael Kory started training casually in his basement in 2008 and developed a passion for training, nutrition and the lifestyle. As his passion grew, Michael decided he should start a YouTube channel to share his passion with others. His channel was created the day he finished high school in May of 2010. Throughout the years, Kory gained a following for posting recipe videos and this eventually led to his first cookbook being released in September of 2013.
24. Scooby-Scooby1961
One of the first people to begin making Youtube fitness videos and one of the first channels you probably watched is Scooby. He began lifting pretty later than most people-when he was 21 years old. 30 years later he continues to workout 5 days a week as well as make Youtube videos for males of all ages who are both novice and experienced lifters. In case you were wondering, there are no known images of him with a shirt on lol.
23. Layne Norton-Biolayne
Layne Norton is one of the more popular bodybuilding and fitness gurus today and for good reason. He has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Illinois. He has multiple published researched articles on muscle protein synthesis (building muscle) and proves that not all bodybuilders are meatheads. He firmly believes in using science over broscience and is often involved in controversy due to his beliefs but holds his ground. He is the source for some of the most up to date information regarding training and nutrition. Love him or hate him, Layne is the man.
22. Dana Linn Bailey
The first ever Women’s Olympia Physique winner…Dana Linn Bailey! The former college soccer athlete turned bodybuilder found her passion in sculpting her physique. She grew up a 6 sport athlete playing soccer, basketball, field hockey, softball, running track and also swim team. She is one of the most recognizable women in the bodybuilding industry and her channel has over 380k subscribers. She is doing a lot for the sport of women’s bodybuilding and proving that strong is the new sexy.
21. Rob Riches
Rob Riches is a natural fitness model and competitor, as well as CEO of True Performance Nutrition. There’s a lot more to learn from Rob besides not to take the Craze preworkout supplement and his physique shows it. His videos consist of training sessions as well as some awesome healthy recipes. One of his most popular videos can be found below where he gives advice on getting a 6 pack.
20. Brandon Campbell-Campbell Fitness
Brandon Campbell first entered the gym at an early age as a way to succeed in high school basketball. It was also at this time that he competed in his first power meets. These days he’s a personal trainer and YouTuber where he’s been able to spread his knowledge to the masses. Through his videos he’s reached millions of viewers and helped them reach their goals of staying big both in and out of the gym.
19. Nick Wright-NWB
Nick Wright is a 100% drug-free bodybuilder & sponsored athlete. He’s been competing since he was 15 although he has recently taken time off to put on mass. He probably has the most trolls on his channel out of all the channels on this list, but you have to give credit where credit is due. He’s done a lot for the sport of bodybuilding at a young age and has inspired thousands to achieve their ideal physique. His information is very accurate and he consistently delivers quality videos. Respect NWB!
18. Matt Ogus-FlexForAll2
Matt Ogus is an OG youtuber who was one of the first to gain internet fame from making youtube videos. The half natty star began lifting when he was 15 and like most of us, did so in order to train for sports. He soon realized all the gains he was making in the gym naturally so he competed in his first bodybuilding show when he was 19 years old. His channel’s popularity has grown tremendously and has over 550k subscribers.
17. Chris Jones-Pump Chasers
Ya’ll know who it is…Chris Jones-Pump Chasers. The man on the mission to help people get from shit to fit started his bodybuilding journey when he was 19 years old. The channel is best known for some of their sayings such as “rows for the hoes” and “quads for the broads” but most importantly, people love them because their raw. They currently have over 350k subscribers and growing.
16. Marc Lobliner-Tiger Fitness
Marc is an ACE certified personal trainer, is a former APF competitive powerlifter and national level NPC competitive bodybuilder, having won first place trophies in both the lightweight and light-heavyweight divisions. His videos consist of him training as well as rants on various topics and promotion of his supplement company MTS Nutrition. Marc is currently MTS Nutrition CEO, Director of Business Development, Owner and Editor in Chief. In other words, Marc’s the man!
15. The Hodgetwins
Making All Kinds of Gainz!
The Hodgetwins are without a doubt one of the most popular youtube fitness channels today. What sets these guys apart are their ability to make people laugh and the variety of youtube videos that they make ranging from Arnold Schwarzenegger to transgender issues. They have unique sayings that people love and provide some of the most entertaining content on youtube.
14. Scott Herman-Scott Herman Fitness
One of the original Youtube fitness celebrities is Scott Herman who has built his own business and established himself as one of the top youtube fitness channels. His videos have totaled nearly 95 million views and his channel has over 1.5M subscribers. Being into fitness since the age of 14, Scott became a personal trainer at the age of 18 and has been helping people of all ages ever since.
13. Omar Isuf
Omar is a former skinny guy turned jacked guy of strength. His channel consistently provides quality information that doesn’t involve pushing you to purchase a product (as much). A personal trainer and nutritionist, he is a fan favorite and his community his quickly growing. People love his videos because he delivers them with energy and gets straight to the point.
12. Mark Bell-SuperTraining06
Mark Bell is not only a distant relative of mine (no bias) but is the guy to watch if you’re looking for advice on powerlifitng. His videos usually consist of him rapping as the intro as well as a video of someone completing a lift as he critiques it. He is an elite powerlifter and inventor of the slingshot. His best lifts include a 1,025 lb squat, a 832 lb bench press, and a 722 lb deadlift. Oh yeah, he also happens to own Super Training Gym, ranked 4th most hardcore gym in America.
11. Maxx Chewning
The deadlift brah Maxx Chewing is one of our favorite and best fitness youtubers because people can’t figure out how someone with legs his size can lift such heavy ass weight. People love Maxx because he would definitely be our best bud if he lived near us. Joking aside, Maxx really cares about his audience and wants to help every single bro out there achieve their ideal physique and stay Ever Forward.
10. Mike Rashid
Mike Rashid is a former professional boxer who won two National Golden Gloves, but now he puts his time in efforts into the bodybuilding, fitness and nutrition world. He liked the fact that in boxing if you win or lose, it’s the result of the effort that you put in. In the gym, he benches 500lbs at a bodyweight of about 225lbs. His motto “Train Your Mind as Hard as You Train Your Body,” will test your muscles and your mind.
9. Calum Von Moger
Calum von Moger, who hails from Victoria, Australia, is the reigning WFF Mr. Universe, a Cellucor sponsored athlete, and a fitness model. At the age of 14, he and his older brother started training at an old warehouse with rusty iron dumbbells and barbells. Skinny and not very strong, von Moger’s fitness goal at that time was to catch up to his bigger, stronger brother. His days were spent training, watching “Pumping Iron“, eating cans of tuna and whole chickens, and hitting the beach. He is driven by a strong ambition to create a customized classic physique that is all his own. He is the current WFF Mr. Universe.
8. Elliott Hulse-StrengthCamp
Elliot is pro strongman, strength coach, gym owner, business owner, producer and author and is on a mission to help us all become the strongest version of ourselves. He’s been active trying to help people since 2006 and proves that consistency is key to success in any field, be it career or fitness orientated. His goal is to share powerful ideas that help us all to become stronger in every way possible.
7. Rich Piana
Rich Piana, a longtime bodybuilder who has a huge following on YouTube, and also admits to using steroids. He began bodybuilding at the age of 11 and started using steroids when he didn’t win a bodybuilding competition. While Piana does caution against the use of steroids in his hours of YouTube videos, he insists he is completely happy with his choice to use drugs. Piana gives viewers a comprehensive look at his lifestyle, his workouts, and, most controversially, his steroid cycles. He doesn’t hold anything back which is what people love him and hate him for. “Whatever It Takes” is his motto that he lives by.
6. Steve Cook-Swoldier Nation
Steve Cook is a fan favorite for his positivity and motivation. His channel consists of weekly workout videos and vlogs of him as he aims to help people live a healthier lifestyle. He is a former college football player turned bodybuilder. He preaches that looks aren’t everything and that in order to find happiness you have to find balance physically, spiritually, and mentally. He is an Optimum Nutrition sponsored athlete as well as a spokesmodel for
5. Jeff Cavaliere-ATHLEAN-X
Learn from the physical therapist and strength coach Jeff Cavaliere, exactly what he does with his professional athlete and celebrity clients. You can learn how to get six-pack abs, bigger biceps, more muscle definition, better legs, a bigger chest, wider back and how to improve your overall athleticism.
4. CT Fletcher-CT Fletcher Motivation
Probably the most intimidating Youtube channel, CT Fletcher brings the best out of you. If you think you’ve reached failure, then CT will make sure you get in a few extra sets. The former powerlifter won 3 drug free bench titles and 3 World Strict Curl Titles. He now focuses on bodybuilding. In 2005 he had open heart surgery, flat lined 3 times, and was told he would never lift weights again. He believes this was because he ate 7-8 meals at McDonald’s each day for over 20 years.
3. Christian Guzman
Christian Guzman is an OG Youtuber that has accomplished more at the age of 23 than most people have in a lifetime. He owns his own gym and clothing company, Alphalete Athletics. He also invests in real estate, owns his own energy drink company, and even bought his dad a brand new car. He is always encouraging people to go after their dreams and is an awesome source for motivation. People love Goomah because he is a down to earth guy that we have watched chase after his dreams.
2. Bradley Martyn
Bradley Martyn is one of the best fitness youtubers to watch because he’s motivational and funny. He recently opened up his gym, Zoo Culture. Even though he’ll never be bigger than Dom, we’re still squad. Growing up a skinny kid, Brad got into weightlifting and bodybuilding and now trains arms every day. He preaches to go after anything you want in life. Nothing is going to matter years from now so stop caring what people think and be yourself.
1. Dom Mazzetti
Let’s face it…we all love the BroScienceLife youtube channel. It is the epitome of who we are when we look in the mirror, besides someone who is insecure and only lifts to feel better about themselves. It’s a nice surprise in our day when we see that they posted a new video because we never actually know when they’ll post a new video.They’re about as consistent with their uploads as we are with leg days. Be sure to check out our list of favorite BroScienceLife videos.
Are there any other channels that you think are worthy to be on this list? Let us know what you think in the comments below!