Richard Hawthorne, 5’3” and 130 lbs, has competed in powerlifting for 14 yrs and has collected various World Records in multiple Federations. He wants to do what everyone believed he could not do and prove people wrong. He has the all time squat record for the 132 lb weight class which is 562 lbs at 130 lbs raw and the all time total for the 132 lb weight class that consists of a 562 squat, 308 bench, and 601 lb deadlift that adds up to a 1471 total at a weight of 130 lbs, 11.31 x his bodyweight raw. That qualifies him to be the strongest man in the world pound for pound! Now with one major goal out of his way, he has one more achievement he wants to accomplish. He wants to break the pound for pound deadlift record in the 30 year old age class which is 683 lbs at 132 lbs bodyweight. Richard co-owns Southern Elite Gym in D’Iberville, Mississippi.
Video: Richard Hawthorne Is Pound for Pound Strongest Man In The World!