How To Avoid Freshman 15
1) Start/continue working out
Whether you’re just getting into fitness or you’ve been doing it for years, consistency is key. There will be plenty of chances for you to make an excuse and not work out. You want to make being fit a lifestyle so it should be a part of your day just like brushing your teeth and going to class (hopefully). Don’t get intimated by the idea of a gym because the truth is that everybody in the gym is self-conscious about their appearance. We all want to look better. It’s also a great way to meet new people who share similar interests.
2) Count drinks in your caloric intake
For many people, drinks aren’t counted in their overall caloric intake and they wonder why they don’t see progress. What you should understand is that calories are calories. Protein and carbs have 4 calories per gram, fat has 9 calories per gram, and alcohol has 7 calories. I will specifically ask for diet soda rather than regular; not because I’m a health freak but because I want to reach my goals. I’d rather save those calories and consume food. Juices and sports drinks are loaded with sugars and even worse, some have high fructose corn syrup. Does this mean you should never drink them? No, but be mindful of the calories. Just because it is not food does it mean that the calories are insignificant. I will still have Gatorade but I will drink it during and after my workout. This not only helps replenish electrolytes, but the insulin spike will prevent further catabolism (muscle breakdown).
3) Count alcohol in your caloric intake
Alcohol is a big reason why college students gain weight. “Beer bellies” aren’t just old guys who got fat because they drank, it is the accumulation of calories that go uncounted for plus lack of activity. If you want to have a few brews with your friends, then adjust your diet accordingly. Maybe have less carbs the previous meal to account for the carbs you take in when you do decide to drink. You also have the option of picking a light beer if you don’t mind the taste. You don’t have to abstain from certain activities because you want to be “healthy,” just keep everything in moderation. Of course we don’t advise underage drinking, we just understand the reality.

4) Slowly decrease calories
So if you’ve started/been working out you should understand that in order to see results, nutrition plays a big factor. If you’re looking to slim down, then understand that all you need to do is cut calories…slowly. You don’t need to eat salads at every meal, you don’t need to “eat clean,” and you don’t need to do anything extreme. You want to build habits that last a lifetime and avoid crash dieting. Again, what you should take away from this is to not do anything extreme. Achieving your ideal physique takes persistence-eat right and train hard.
5) Be mindful of late night eating
Whether your cramming for an exam or you’ve been out with some friends, a late night meal can contain an extreme amount of calories that go uncounted for. That late night pizza slice and burger is a sure-fire way to add unwanted calories. If you’re like me, then you have a hard time falling asleep on an empty stomach. So if your friends want to go grab a bite to eat, you don’t have to skip out. All you should do is choose something that keeps you full for the night and not stuffed. If your by yourself and want to keep it simple, then having a healthier snack is fine. I will personally have a whey protein shake which does two things; not only will it curb my appetite, but it also helps build lean muscle.
6) Make better food choices
I intentionally used the word better rather than “clean”. What is a “clean” food? Are tilapia and broccoli clean foods? Because if that’s what eating clean is all about, it sounds gross. I’d rather make a better food choice than a “clean” food choice. So when you do decide to get a meal, just make a better choice and eat until your full. Drinking water with your meal and throughout the day will also help keep you full. When it comes to food choices I will choose the scrambled eggs over the cheese omelet, the 93% lean ground beef/turkey over the 80%, and the low-fat cheese over the full fat.
7) Read food labels
If you’re not already reading food labels, you should start. Check your foods to see how many grams of protein, carbs, and fat are in each serving as well as calories. Look at the ingredient list and if there are some ingredients that don’t seem like they belong, choose a different brand. Some examples would be high fructose corn syrup that is found in some fruit cups,or corn syrup solids found in some protein powders. These ingredients aren’t going to significantly hurt you, but I’d rather have plain fruit that I know doesn’t contain any added sugars.

8) Cook your own food
You don’t have to be in culinary school to be a good cook. Your school more than likely has cooking clubs you can join. You can also start one and aim it towards making healthy food taste delicious. Making your own food sometimes can be a nice break from the same old campus dining. It might even help you save money with how expensive it is becoming to afford a college’s meal plan. Invite your roommates and friends and have a home cooked meal. Not only will you make more health conscious decisions by cooking your own food, but you will also help your friends live a healthier lifestyle as well. You can also get creative with your recipes and try substituting healthier ingredients for not so healthy ones. If I’m craving pizza, I will make my own with whole wheat crust (fiber), low sugar tomato sauce, and low-fat cheese. Then I get creative with toppings such as turkey pepperoni, meatballs made with lean ground beef, and plenty of veggies. Does it taste exactly like the pizza from a shop? No, but it comes close and satisfies my craving with significantly fewer calories.
9) Have snacks
Snacks are a great way to hold off your appetite until your next meal. Rather than going out and buying chips and a soda, you can buy a bag of roasted almonds and keep it in your dorm. They are also great to take with you as you can separate them into plastic storage bags. In between meals, just grab a small handful to munch on and drink some water with it. The saltiness will most likely make you thirsty plus its a good way to help feel even more satiated. Other good snacking options include beef jerky, low fat popcorn, pretzels, and fruit. The thing to remember about snacking is that it isn’t about what you eat, it is about how much you eat. So even if you are having almonds, don’t bring the whole bag with you to the couch and watch a movie. That one handful you took will pretty soon turn into 2,3,4,5 handfuls. Too much of anything is never a good idea.
10) Make exercise fun
The problem I see many people face is that they make their workouts torture. They will drive to the gym to run on the treadmill (boring!), or do the same workouts over and over again. If you can learn how to make your workouts more enjoyable, you will forget that you are even working out. Try including supplemental workouts to your regular routine such as group fitness classes or crossfit. They are great ways to meet new people and have fun while working out. If it is nice outside, you can go out for a run or use your school’s track. Invite some friends and make it a routine.
11) Exercise outdoors
The majority of your workouts will most likely take place in the gym, but let’s face it…sometimes you don’t feel like being inside. This does not mean that you can’t get in a solid workout. When the weather is nice, try some outdoor workouts a couple of days a week. You don’t need any equipment although a Jungle Gym Suspension Training system will allow more variety for bodyweight exercises. You can do a circuit of push-ups, crunches, bodyweight squats, lunges, and a 50-100 yard dash. If your school has monster truck tires for the sport teams you can see if they will allow you to use it as well. Start off in a squat and explode up to flip the tire for a given distance. Repeat this circuit for as many sets as you can and you will definitely feel it the next morning.
12) Read something know something
This one may seem far-fetched, but keeping your mind occupied and off of food can definitely help reduce how much and how often you eat. Now before you claim how much you hate reading, ask yourself if you really don’t like reading or do you not like reading about topics you’re not interested in. Most likely you say you hate reading because your forced to in school, but reading is a great way to clear your mind from any distractions in your life. You don’t have to read a whole book in one sitting, but aim to read for at least 20 minutes a day on any topics that interest you. You can read to learn something new and expand your knowledge. You can read for personal enrichment and increase your motivation. Reading is knowledge and knowledge is power.
13) Join a club/team
There are most likely many athletic clubs at your school to help fit your particular needs. You can join the running club, cycling club, powerlifting club, etc. Not only will you increase your overall athletic ability, but being in a club will increase your motivation and give you a chance to meet other people who share your interests. You can compete at the recreational level or at the elite level. Aiming to make a competitive team’s roster is a great way to help keep you motivated. Whether you’re looking to play at the competitive collegiate level or the club level, you are more than likely to avoid the freshman 15.
14) Play A Game
A great way to burn calories and have fun while doing it is by grabbing a group of people and playing outside. You can pick nearly any sport you can think of. Some common favorites include ultimate frisbee, football, soccer, and basketball. The great part is that you can take the game inside if the weather gets bad. Even if it is only you and one friend, more than likely someone will see you and ask if they can join in. You can meet some new friends and make it a regular routine. Don’t wait for the opportunity to present itself, create the opportunity. You can help inspire other people to live healthier lives and make fitness fun. Remember that healthier is happier . The more people you can inspire, the more people they will inspire!

15) Stay Occupied
Most of the ideas on this list revolve around a similar idea and that has to do with keeping busy. Let’s face it, boredom makes us hungry. It has happened to all of us; we head to the kitchen not because we’re hungry, but because there is nothing better to do. Next time you head to the kitchen, ask yourself if you are truly hungry. By keeping busy, we can focus on other aspects of our lives besides food. You should always have something to do. Don’t procrastinate your future, because your future is now. Think of any goals you have for the future and do something each day to work towards them. You will be surprised to see how much that a little bit each day can accumulate into. Remember that being healthy is just one aspect of your life and the most important part is to find balance.