Front Squat vs High Bar vs Low Bar
High Bar
Here are the key points to remember after watching the video:
1) Keep your upper back tight.
2) Break at the knees and hip simultaneously.
3) Open up your hips by pointing your toes slightly outward and pushing your knees outward and forward as well.
4) Lower back should remain stable and not rounded.
Video: Breaking At The Knees & Hips
Low Bar Squat
Here are the key points to remember after watching the video:
1) Grab the bar at slightly wider grip than normal.
2) Place the bar under your traps and above your rear delts. Allow your elbows to flare some in order to create a shelf to support the bar. Keep your upper back tight.
3) Drop into the squat with your hip flexors and bring your elbows down during the descent.
4) Lower back should remain stable and not rounded.
Front Squat
Here are the key points to remember after watching the video:
1) Bring your elbows up and keep them there.
2) Open up your hips and maintain an upright position.
3) Emphasize pushing off your heels.
4) Lower back should remain stable and not rounded.
Big thanks to Jon Candito for the awesome videos and be sure to check out his Youtube channel-CanditoTrainingHQ which recently ranked 23rd on our Top 30 Youtube Fitness Channels You Must Subscribe To List!